The Definitive List of Best Beers Not Named Bud Light

I have a problem. A VERY serious problem. It turns out the rest of the world doesn’t have Bud Light.

It’s devastating. The world is filled with great beers. Brewmasters who have been perfecting their ale for centuries, but I’m a simple man with simple tastes. When push comes to shove I’m taking a Bud Light every day of the week. Here’s where my rankings currently stand. It’s…

#1: Bud Light

#2: Bud Light

#3: Bud Light Lime

#4: Bud Light

#5: Everyone else

Now that I’ll be living abroad for a year I’m practically stuck on a Bud Light-less island (thoughts and prayers are welcome), so it looks like I have no choice but to figure out who fits into that “Everyone else” category. It certainly won’t be easy, but I promise you this, I’m going to try. 12 countries and countless side trips means there will be no shortage of beers to try. I’ll be keeping a running tally throughout the year and when it’s all said and done I will crown a definitive #2 to the king, savior and forever champion, Bud Light.

And we’re off…

Pan (Croatian) – tricked me into thinking it was a Heineken at first, decent taste, quite brown, sounds like you’re asking the bartender for a kitchen appliance

Karlovacko (Croatian) – cool bottle, makes a two litre version for one person (huge bonus points here), and the more you drink the more panache you order with… Kar-lo-VA-cko, Kar-lo-va-ckoooooo, Karlo-VACKO!

Bura Golden Ale (Croatian) – quite tasty, kind of like a Blue Moon, good for summer, but too sweet and would give you a sugar high if you drank too many.

Ozujsko (Croatian) – early leader in the clubhouse, tasty, light, bottle that makes your hands feel big, sister company of Coors (this is a demerit)

Staropramen (Czech / Czechian / Czech Republic ???) – they like their green bottles over here, for a beer from the country well-known as the beer capital of the world… unimpressed