#14 – You ever start a fire without any matches or lighters? Yeah, me neither. How to (Almost) Start a Fire First of all, just want to take a minute to give a massive shoutout to the cavemen. Those dudes knew what they were doing. Just feeding and sheltering and keeping themselves warm without as […]
52 Saturdays
- 52 Saturdays
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52 Saturdays – Bulgarian Feast

#13 – DISCLAIMER: This is not a paid endorsement for the Official Tourist Portal of Bulgaria, but it damn well should be. Bulgarian Feast I am not being held against my will. I am writing this because I want to. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it… Bulgaria is awesome. Up until the […]
52 Saturdays – Traveling While Single

#TB12 – This Saturday was nothing but the perfect microcosm of what it’s like to be a single guy traveling around the world. Traveling While Single You’re off traveling the world. It might be a weekend trip with the boys, it might be a year of backpacking, it could be anything, really. But if you’re […]
52 Saturdays – Pensat i Fai – Valencia

#11 – You’re going to hear a lot about the “Spanish lifestyle” this month, mostly because I didn’t do jack shit but sit on the beach and drink and eat and sleep. If you’re doing anything else in Valencia they tell you you’re doing it wrong. Pensat i Fai “Pensat i Fai.” That’s Spanish in […]
52 Saturdays – 7AM Standard

#10 – Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Boston anymore… There’s no 1:30 closing time here, that’s for damn sure. 7AM Standard My official arrival for a month in Valencia, Spain and it’s safe to say they live a drastically different lifestyle than what I’m used to in Boston. A normal Saturday afternoon in Boston […]
52 Saturdays – A Sitcom

#9 – A week with your whole family is A LOT. 19 people in a confined space for 7 days could be a recipe for disaster. But not my family, not the Calderones. We took our vacation, a week’s worth of Saturdays if you will, and turned it into a way to make millions. “Oh, […]
52 Saturdays – Dog Fight

#8 – You never know what you’re going to see when you get the family together, but you certainly don’t expect to see a dog nearly get ripped limb from limb. Dog Fight Turned Cat Fight It’s day one of vacation and I’ve just landed in Barcelona, ready for a relaxing family reunion with 19 […]
52 Saturdays – Auschwitz

#7 – This was a heavy one. Spent the weekend in Krakow and used Saturday to visit Auschwitz Birkenau Concentration and Death Camp. Incredibly powerful and moving stuff. It certainly makes me thankful for every single opportunity and luxury this world has given me. Auschwitz While the majority of my Saturdays up until this point […]
52 Saturdays – Austrian Brothers

#6 – An impromptu trip to Graz, Austria to channel my inner Arnold Schwarzenegger led to a wild weekend. Plus, a hard lesson that you can travel halfway around the world and girls will still shut you down the same way. Austrian Brothers Was sitting in my cushy outdoor office in Prague at about 8 […]
52 Saturdays – Just Jump

#5 – At the start of this adventure I stood on the mountaintop and declared that I would do something new every Saturday for the entire year. I imagine some Saturdays I might need to stretch the rules a bit to define something as being “new.” This was not one of those Saturdays… Just Jump […]