#4 – I said I was going to try and do something new every single Saturday for an entire year. Well, this was certainly a new one. Das Romance I think I’ve fallen in love with a German girl and now I will never see her again. Friday was my last night in Split before heading […]
52 Saturdays
52 Saturdays – Hvar From Home

#3 – (Editor’s Note: Now this was technically a Sunday, but it was a result of some questionable Saturday decisions. The Rules Committee has allowed to let it slide) Hvar From Home, but Always Reppin’ Woke up Sunday morning having just slightly overslept my 8AM hike after a rather late night. An abridged version of […]
52 Saturdays – I Drink and I Know Things

#2 – “They say I’m half a man (I’d give myself 3/4). But what does that make the lot of you? There’s another way out (of the cubical); I’m going to show you (just pack up and leave). Come out behind them and f— them in their asses (well…). Don’t fight for your king, and don’t […]
52 Saturdays – Drink A Six Pack

#1 – If my math is correct a year of travel means 52 different Saturdays (plus a few bonus “Little Saturdays” in Bulgaria, but we’ll get to those later). That means 52 Saturdays with no work, no responsibilities, just 52 Saturdays to jump out of a plane or go on a Tinder date with a […]