I’m back. Back “home.” Back in America. Back in Boston. Like a newborn baby calf, I’m working to get my legs under me. You could make the case that America isn’t exactly the most desirable place in the world to live at the moment. I mean, between the resurgence of jean jackets on women and […]
Lonely Planet Interview – Ryan Dunn

*** Article was originally published on Lonely Planet. Some contents have been removed here for brevity.*** When you hear the name “Ryan Dunn,” what’s the first thing you think of? Bow legs. You obviously think of bow legs. Well, here at Lonely Planet we’re all about peeling back the curtain on world travelers. In our new […]
I Went to Central Restaurant–the 5th Best Restaurant in the World–and All I Got Was This Lousy Stomach Ache

A few weeks back I went to the Central Restaurant in Lima, Peru for a buddy’s birthday. It officially comes in at #5 on The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list, but apparently has been listed as high as #2 on certain lists. I mean, this joint is on Netflix. That’s right, the Netflix! Right up there […]
- 52 Saturdays
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Serbia Saturdays

For those of your keeping score at home, you know, all 6 of you (hi mom!), I’ve fallen a bit behind on my “52 Saturdays.” Well, here’s the thing. Even when you’re traveling the world, not every day or every weekend is eventful. Serbia Saturdays were no different. I spent the entire month of September […]
- 52 Saturdays
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52 Saturdays – Bulgarian Feast

#13 – DISCLAIMER: This is not a paid endorsement for the Official Tourist Portal of Bulgaria, but it damn well should be. Bulgarian Feast I am not being held against my will. I am writing this because I want to. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it… Bulgaria is awesome. Up until the […]
7 Things They Don’t Tell You to Pack for Europe

You head off on an adventure and there are a lot of things they tell you to pack. There are millions of lists on the internet about packing for a just about every scenario. The Ultimate Travel Packing Checklist, 23 Items to Pack for Every Solo Travel Trip, or The Ultimate Europe Packing List. Notice […]
Trophy SZN – Versatile Blogger Award

3 weeks. That’s it. 3 weeks into this little year-long experiment. 3 weeks into what is sure to be an illustrious, albeit tumultuous (those are the biggest words I know) blogging career to get my first sniff of the big time. They say that good things come to those who wait, but I guess 3 […]
The Definitive List of Best Beers Not Named Bud Light

I have a problem. A VERY serious problem. It turns out the rest of the world doesn’t have Bud Light. It’s devastating. The world is filled with great beers. Brewmasters who have been perfecting their ale for centuries, but I’m a simple man with simple tastes. When push comes to shove I’m taking a Bud […]
User Reviews

I know the site just launched, but you wouldn’t believe the incredible amount of support I’ve already received on this thing. While some have been friendlier than others, no press is bad press in this world. “The best site on the Internet that no one has ever heard of.” “One of the best run-on […]