“Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail.”
“Proper preparation prevents poor performance.”
“If you have unprotected sex with one of the star cheerleaders, you’ll never be prepared to deal with the consequences of having a baby as a high school junior while only working a part time job at the local ice cream shop and having already failed the first time around on your driver’s test.”
You know, class coach expressions.
And they’re right. If you don’t prepare, if you don’t plan, bad things can and will happen. I’ve already covered off on the Art of Getting Lost. Here are a few examples of things that could happen if you don’t prepare for a trip to, well, let’s say Montenegro in early September…
You’ll get swindled by cabbies, repeatedly. It can be hard not to look like a helpless tourist in some of these locations. But at the very least, you should have some sort of idea how much a cab costs to different hot spots in the area. Like, let’s say, from the airport to your Airbnb. A 7 minute ride shouldn’t cost 40 Euros.
Bike lyfe
When you’re tired of getting swindled by cabbies, you’ll rent a bike thinking it’ll be a nice way to avoid cabs and get some exercise. It’s then that you’ll realize the only road to the neighboring town of Budva you’re trying to visit is a main highway with no breakdown lane, uphill both ways and not even remotely intended for bikes. You’ll also realize that 22km is a lot further than it seems and it’s important to have gears on a bike that actually work. But that’s besides the point…
Money management
After all that biking, you’re probably tired. You might also be stuck outside in the pouring rain and you’d rather jump off a bridge than get back on your bike for another 22km. You’re already a dummy for not checking the weather or understanding the concept of the sun going down at a certain hour each day, but now you’re too far from home. Finally, after endless searching, you find a vehicle big enough to fit your bike in the back and you’re certain you have enough money to get home.
You don’t.
You have enough to take you about 12km and you’re left on the side of the highway in the rain and in the dark.
At least you prepared and made sure to ask the bike shop for a helmet…
Taking back control
Tired of things being out of your control, you might decide to climb to the top of the city fortress at sunrise. For once, you’re smart and plan ahead; checking the time for sunrise. You obviously know that order to get to the top of the fortress you need to go up. I mean, you’re not a total idiot. You find a small path in the dark and start scaling rocks, climbing through pricker bushes. Nothing but the flashlight on your phone to guide you. A little bloody and a little bruised, you make it to the top, and you can’t beat the view.
Out of nowhere, a family appears at the lookout point. How did they get up here?
They took the stairs. The stairs.
You know, those things used for getting to the top of other things.
Then, of course, it’ll be time to leave. You might be a little upset with yourself that you didn’t plan the weekend better. The little voices in your head will start asking questions…
“What would I have done differently?”
“How can I start preparing better?”
“Should I have eaten those mysterious grapes from the old lady next door who didn’t speak any English?”
“Do you think that street vendor was telling the truth when he said he washed his hands after going out back to “deal” with the stray cats?”
“Did anyone else find it odd that all the young women in the bar seemed to be showing a lot of attention to the rich, old men…?”
Can’t plan everything
All of those questions and more will be flowing through your head as you fly out of town. Then, with your tray table up, and your seat in a full, upright and locked position something will catch your eye. A beautiful sunset is beginning and you’ve got a front row seat in the window.
For the entire duration of the hour-long flight the sky is going crazy with colors. It’s incredible. The best you’ve ever seen. Of course, you didn’t plan ahead and download any music or movies for the flight, but it doesn’t matter. You’re sitting front and center at the show.
You didn’t plan anything right all weekend, but you never could have planned this.