Let me say this loud and clear… I know my hair sucks. You think I don’t know? I can’t get on a FaceTime or a Google Hangout or get tagged in a picture without someone audibly gasping or gently telling me that they think my hair is a pile of steaming hot garbage. The public […]
travel blog
Surfing the Longest Wave in the World: An Erotic Novel

Chicama, Peru. Home of “The World’s Longest Wave.” I don’t know a whole lot of Spanish, but I do know that “Las Olas” means “waves.” It also happens to be the name of this taco shop in my hometown with some unbelievable salsa where the high school kids go after school to make out in […]
First Football-less Sunday

It was dark. The wounds still fresh. Sunday morning had finally rolled around and you knew there was no football to watch. 5 month’s worth of beer and chicken wings and queso dip start to resurface and settled in the back of your throat. A feeling of nausea and sadness wash over your body as […]
I Went to Central Restaurant–the 5th Best Restaurant in the World–and All I Got Was This Lousy Stomach Ache

A few weeks back I went to the Central Restaurant in Lima, Peru for a buddy’s birthday. It officially comes in at #5 on The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list, but apparently has been listed as high as #2 on certain lists. I mean, this joint is on Netflix. That’s right, the Netflix! Right up there […]
In 2018, I Will…

2017. What a year it was. I visited somewhere in the ballpark of 20 different countries, I watched my beloved Patriots win another Super Bowl, I built myself my first website and I left a pretty damn good situation in Boston to throw my life in a suitcase and travel around the world. It was […]
The Shirt

When you travel for an extended period of time, there isn’t exactly a ton flexibility when it comes to bringing along a diverse wardrobe. A shirt here, a few shorts there, and a whole lot of underwear. When I left home 8 months ago I brought along a backpack and a single rolling suitcase. Every […]
Why Overnight Travel is an Alternate Universe

Travel sucks. Like the actual physical act of “traveling” sucks big time. And overnight travel is even worse. Whether by plane, train or automobile, everyone has their own war story and everyone will tell you that what happened to them was the worst thing to ever happen in the history of travel. “Can you believe […]
The Surfing Secret That I Can’t Keep a Secret Anymore

I have a confession to make… And this one is a doozy. I’ve been holding this in for a long time now. 25 years to be exact. It’s something I’ve always wanted to share with the world, but could never quite muster up the courage. Every time I’ve tried to tell someone there has always […]
Everybody Poops (except girls) – Sahara Desert Edition

Everybody poops. That’s just a fact. Everybody does it. Little babies in their diapers, dads of three on a Sunday morning, older men in their diapers. Everybody knows it and everybody does it (except girls, of course. Girls don’t poop. Right…?) Anyways, this all has a point. Stay with me here. I recently made my […]
A Night in the Marrakech Medina

The Marrakech Medina: where people willingly go to get groped, hounded and scammed and somehow still leave saying what an incredible experience they had. Think about that for a second. When was the last time you went somewhere knowing just one of those things was going to happen, never mind all three? Want to get groped? […]