The year was 2017. May 2017, to be exact. A young boy with a passport and a dream was about to take off on an adventure around the globe. To say he didn’t know what he was getting himself into was a gross, gross under statement. Like any digital douche with an iPhone and an […]
travel tips
Why Overnight Travel is an Alternate Universe

Travel sucks. Like the actual physical act of “traveling” sucks big time. And overnight travel is even worse. Whether by plane, train or automobile, everyone has their own war story and everyone will tell you that what happened to them was the worst thing to ever happen in the history of travel. “Can you believe […]
A Night in the Marrakech Medina

The Marrakech Medina: where people willingly go to get groped, hounded and scammed and somehow still leave saying what an incredible experience they had. Think about that for a second. When was the last time you went somewhere knowing just one of those things was going to happen, never mind all three? Want to get groped? […]
The Importance of Preparing for a Trip

Preparing for things is important. Any coach in the world will tell you that. “Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail.” “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” “If you have unprotected sex with one of the star cheerleaders, you’ll never be prepared to deal with the consequences of having a baby as a high school junior while […]