When you travel for an extended period of time, there isn’t exactly a ton flexibility when it comes to bringing along a diverse wardrobe. A shirt here, a few shorts there, and a whole lot of underwear. When I left home 8 months ago I brought along a backpack and a single rolling suitcase. Every […]
Why Overnight Travel is an Alternate Universe

Travel sucks. Like the actual physical act of “traveling” sucks big time. And overnight travel is even worse. Whether by plane, train or automobile, everyone has their own war story and everyone will tell you that what happened to them was the worst thing to ever happen in the history of travel. “Can you believe […]
The Surfing Secret That I Can’t Keep a Secret Anymore

I have a confession to make… And this one is a doozy. I’ve been holding this in for a long time now. 25 years to be exact. It’s something I’ve always wanted to share with the world, but could never quite muster up the courage. Every time I’ve tried to tell someone there has always […]
Everybody Poops (except girls) – Sahara Desert Edition

Everybody poops. That’s just a fact. Everybody does it. Little babies in their diapers, dads of three on a Sunday morning, older men in their diapers. Everybody knows it and everybody does it (except girls, of course. Girls don’t poop. Right…?) Anyways, this all has a point. Stay with me here. I recently made my […]
A Night in the Marrakech Medina

The Marrakech Medina: where people willingly go to get groped, hounded and scammed and somehow still leave saying what an incredible experience they had. Think about that for a second. When was the last time you went somewhere knowing just one of those things was going to happen, never mind all three? Want to get groped? […]
The Importance of Preparing for a Trip

Preparing for things is important. Any coach in the world will tell you that. “Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail.” “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” “If you have unprotected sex with one of the star cheerleaders, you’ll never be prepared to deal with the consequences of having a baby as a high school junior while […]
Belgrade Derby Day

The history Belgrade Derby Day. Red Star vs. Partizan. It’s the biggest match of the year in Serbia and it very well might be one of the fiercest rivalries in the entire world. Their two stadiums are separate by just a few blocks and the entire city of Belgrade is separated into “Red” and “Black” […]
Washed Up

I used to be a slightly above-average American soccer player. Back in the day, I played against pros and played with a purpose. When I took the field, I was playing for a trophy, I was playing for my school and I was playing for the jersey chasers sitting in the third row. As you […]
52 Saturdays – How to Almost Start a Fire

#14 – You ever start a fire without any matches or lighters? Yeah, me neither. How to (Almost) Start a Fire First of all, just want to take a minute to give a massive shoutout to the cavemen. Those dudes knew what they were doing. Just feeding and sheltering and keeping themselves warm without as […]
52 Saturdays – Traveling While Single

#TB12 – This Saturday was nothing but the perfect microcosm of what it’s like to be a single guy traveling around the world. Traveling While Single You’re off traveling the world. It might be a weekend trip with the boys, it might be a year of backpacking, it could be anything, really. But if you’re […]