I have been nominated by the lovely Socceroo Megan, founder of The Foreign Aussie (www.foreignaussie.com), for the “Versatile Blogger Award.” And while my initial reaction was that this must be a made-up award, a quick Google search leads me to believe that it does technically exist.
However, there will be no Oscars-esque after-party, there will be no politicized acceptance speech and there will be no trophy to put on my non-existent mantle. Only some soft music to play me off the stage.
Sure, if this was something I thought was worth celebrating I’d be on the first flight out to Ibiza and I’d probably bankrupt myself trying to get the gang back in Boston out here to celebrate. If this was truly the real-deal, sponsorship offers would be rolling in and I wouldn’t be dropping hundreds of dollars on Airbnb’s every weekend (you can save up to $40 on your next Airbnb stay though with this link…). And maybe most importantly, if this award was legit, my DMs would be filled to the brim with inquiries from aspiring, young, female travel bloggers.
But no.
I want to celebrate, I really do, but something just doesn’t feel right about the whole thing. As part of being nominated for the “Versatile Blogger Award” there are a few other criteria you have to follow:
- Link back to the person who nominated you (check, thanks Meg.)
- List 7 facts about yourself
- Nominate up to 15 other blogs you follow and believe deserve recognition
As for the facts…
- I’m currently sitting in my underwear
- I haven’t washed my hair in 4 days (beach hair, baby)
- There is an ant infestation happening in my apartment
- I keep flushing the ants down the toilet and that just causes them to multiply
- I thought I bought milk for my morning cereal, but it appears to be yogurt
- I have won the versatile Versatile Blogger Award
- This award may or may not be a ponzi scheme
And, of course, what kind of award winning blogger would I be if I didn’t nominate some fellow bloggers for the same award? Here are the nominees for the future Mrs. Ryan Dunn and also the Versatile Blogger Award. It’s trophy season, ladies.
- Tracy Komlos from Pangea Dreams
- Mihaela from World Travel Bug
- Girl from Girl Going Global
- Carlinn from Camps Bay Girl
- Alyssa from My Life’s a Travel Movie
- Evelien from EEF Explores
I’m honored. I really am. It’s pretty awesome that someone in Australia is reading my nonsense, but I feel like it probably takes longer than 20 days to show off some versatility. Then again, I am just an award winning blogger, so what do I know…?